

2017-01-24 新疆农业大学国际教育学院


Hello everyone, our name are Lina and Lisha.



This is our Chinese name given by our Chinese teacher in Pakistan. Our major in Pakistan is nutrition and microbiology. Chinese is not our major but we love to learn Chinese and now we think we should change our major to Chinese because it is so interesting, also because we are very good in learning Chinese. We say that “your passion should be your profession” and our passion is to learn Chinese, make Chinese friends and getting knowledge about china. We come to china on scholarship for one semester to learn Chinese. These 5 months spent very well. We learn many things and our Chinese improve very much. When we come to china, our Chinese is not very good but due to our teachers hard work now it is pretty better.


When we go to our institute we saw in front there were all flags of countries whose students come here to learn Chinese but not Pakistan, on that day we decide one thing there will be a Pakistani flag. Our one teacher from Pakistan came to see us in Urumqi. We also promise to him that we will put our flag in this list.


Our both teachers Xing Na and Li Jing are very efficient. They both teach us very well. Although in Xing Na laoshi class we have daily competition, first we don’t like that competitions but after we realize that those competitions really help improve our Chinese, so we really thanks our teachers.


As we told, our Chinese is not good when we come to Urumqi, so teachers decide that we should go to H1 class. At that time we don’t know that this class is for beginners but when we came to know we got very upset because we come here to give HSK3 but in this class there would be no HSK3 preparations. At that time we think that our time is wasting and our one of teacher tell us that next month there is HSK3 exam if you want to apply let me know. It is month of November and 4 December has exam. We don’t have preparations and at that time we are very confused. We consult with our teachers, they helped us. They try to prepare us HSK3 in one month. We also do very hard work but still we are not very confident then the day of 4 December come , we went to Xinjiang university to give exam.


When exam come we know many questions .We solved our paper very well. We are confident that we get good marks. Just very next day we have our institute competition. We also participate in that competition because we have full attendance we never left any class so we have 100% attendance so our teachers let us participate. But we two don’t have same group, we are in different groups but we really enjoy that competition and we know when one of us Lina has all writing characters correct. She was only who has all Chinese character correct.


In all this time we make many Chinese friends because we also participate in English corner. In that English corner we talk in English to Chinese students so it is place where we met our three best friends Mary, Nafeesa and dang dang. They became our very close friends, they are from English major and they are very hard working student. We wish them best of luck for their bright future. 


Moreover we made friends at bus, in shops, in markets and many mores. They all say that our Chinese is pretty good but we say it’s OK. So time spent and our semester exams come it also went very well. We have both our exams on same day and most interesting thing is that on same day our HSK3 exam results came. We all passed and we got 288 scores out of 300.


This is one of biggest achievement we got in china but still our flag is not put alongside other flags, so we also want that to happen. Our semester exams end and we got very good marks in that too. But still one thing is left that is our performance on New Year function. Our institute was arranging a Christmas New Year party. There were many Chinese students performing, we also want to perform so we go to teacher Li and told her that we also want to perform in that function. I forced my other class fellows to perform and they also agreed. We start practice. In practice we enjoy a lot. Because it going to be an international performance as it has a Russian, a Kazak, a Uzbek and three Pakistani girls, so during practice we speak 4 languages Russian, Uyghur, English and Chinese. On 21st December we 6 girls perform very well, all audience enjoys and our teachers are very happy with us. This is again a big achievement in china


Now our semester finish ,our friends gone, one day I wake up in morning and someone knock our  dormitory room and it is teacher Wei and he show me Pakistani flag and asked me how to put it. At that time we are so happy, more than our results and our performance time. We thought it is biggest achievement in china .Now our flag is alongside other flags its mean now every year Pakistani students can come to learn Chinese.


So Like this our 5 months spent, but it spent very well. I remember all memories when we went to museum with our teachers and classmates, when we saw first snow together, when we invite our teachers to our dormitory and let them eat Pakistani food ,when our teacher Li cook for us, when we sing wo zhi zai hu ni( I only care about you) in class. These all memories are not in our mind, these are in our heart, it can only be vanish when our heart stop when our lives end. Lastly we heartily thank our all teachers, all friends in China and Chinese people who gave us so much love, care and praise. We love you all and we miss you very much….















